It’s said the three key elements to a successful business are good people, products and processes. Over the course of time selling on Amazon, we’ve developed, refined, refined some more, and refined even more of our processes that are now part of the Acorn system. 

  • With a beautiful UI (user interface screen) custom created by our partners DeltoLogic, you now have the processes from creating an order, exporting to your vendor, invoice processing, creating check-in’s for when the order is delivered to creating your replenishments each day for what you’re sending to Amazon warehouses. 
  • We’ve built in automated work-flow processes that otherwise were very manual efforts that were often either overlooked or ignored. These processes contain the details that by either omitting or not doing accurately end up costing your business so much money. 
  • Sellers often focus on only simple things like how much ROI a product makes, however on most occasions it’s your processes and your attention to the details that make your business thrive or not survive. 
  • Acorn acts like your personal assistant seeing everything gets done accurately and prevents small issues becoming big catastrophes keeping you up at night. 

Better yet, it’s always being improved. As we learn, it also learns. Wake up each day knowing you have a plan for your business to follow and take a little more well deserved time off for yourself knowing Acorn has your back. 

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